

How to Maximise Audience Engagement for your Events

For an event to succeed, it is not always about the number of attendees who joined it. The more engaged your audience is and the more connections are built between the attendees, the better your event will be evaluated. Audience engagement is a key factor for your event’s success. There are many advices online on how…
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Selfie video idea VidSpin by @Vidonado

Selfie Video is the new Selfie: Introducing VidSpin

Long before the selfie video and before smartphones take over our world, I saw the first selfie of my life. At that time, digital cameras were about to become a device anybody would have liked to possess one. I remember, my father having bought our first digital camera. It was one of those 0.3 megapixel ones. The…
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The future of social media

3 Alternatives for the Future of Social Media

In the last few years, there has been a significant boost in the time we all invest in social media. While we are getting used to this new lifestyle, having an eye on the future of social media could be especially crucial for business owners and social media activists who are seeking to keep their…
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Vidonado The Video Social Network where Ideas Matter

Vidonado the video social network where Ideas matter

In case you still don’t know what Vidonado is; Vidonado is a video social network designed to emphasize the importance of ideas rather than content creation/consumption. Vidonado is a platform where innovative minds are rewarded the most. Vid Ideas Ideas are the cornerstone of Vidonado and every video needs to be based on an idea which…
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